3 분 소요

[경영자를 위한 AI와 딥러닝] 중간고사 공부]


  • 신경망

  • 구조

    • 700 ~ 1000억(100 BN)개 정도의 신경망 세포들
    • 신경망 세포들 간의 연결 고리
      • Dendrite
      • Axon: 신경세포의 몸체 (soma)
        • 포텐셜을 측정 (voltage) ; 포텐셜의 변화밖에 없음
          • spiking
          • bursting
          • chattering (갈수록 freq 빨라짐)
      • Synapse: 신경세포 간의 연결 (한쪽은 dendrite 한쪽은 axon)
        • neuro transmitter가 이동
        • electric potential을 통해 이동
        • 불확실성이 많은 확률적 프로세스; non-linear
        • connectionism; 연결주의; 모든 정보는 연결에 포함되어있다
      • Neural Computation
        • add/ subtract
        • multiplication
        • modification
  • Neural Computation을 구현하는 것이 Deep Learning

    • 인공신경망 Artificial Neural Networks
      • Supervised Learning
      • Universal Function Approximator; 비선형적 관계까지 배울 수 있는 가능성
      • layered structures, deep
    • connectionism by alexander bain (2주차 강의 40분 쯤)
    • Neural Learning (Hebbian Learning Rule) 44분쯤
  • Soma에 붙어있는 dendrit로 input

    • w as weight
    • axon을 통해 전달 (긴다리)
    • node가 역치를 기점으로 1 or 0 과 같은 signal 발생


    • simplist neural network
    • computational model of mcculloch-pitts neuron


  • activation function
    • step (계단)
    • sigmoid (S자)
  • b as bias
    • eventually $y=f(w*x)$
  • AND/ OR Gate
    • image-20220423002036655
    • image-20220423002024457
    • XOR Gate https://youtu.be/Fg00LN30Ezg?t=385
  • Perceptron Learning Rule
    • image-20220423002118463
    • a. initial learning model setting by setting w_i
    • b. pick random x and check if the current learning model is right
      • b-1. if $wx_1>0$, then do nothing, since it is right
      • b-2. if $wx_2<0$, then w<-w+$\epsilon$; bit change to model
    • c. keep going on until the end (satisfying all condition)
  • Gradient Descent
    • image-20220423002737846
    • control the weight movement under the logistics of minimizing (mean-squared) error
  • Summary
    • Perceptron is model for computation of a single neuron
    • Hebbian learning rule can be derived from gradient-descent of the cost function.


  • Coding
  • Hellow to Tensorflow, Keras


  • Tensor Notation for Neural Networks

    • image-20220423003753590
    • input as x
    • input vector as $x_{(p)}$
    • $X=(x_{(1)},x_{(2)},x_{(3)}, …)$ as vectorized inputs
    • $w_{ji}^{[l]}$ as weights of l-th layer from the i-th input to the j-th hidden unit
    • node의 개수는 사용자가 선택하는 것이 아님, 이것을 만들어나가는 과정 자체가 딥러닝
      • hidden layer, hidden node의 역할들 (구조들).. 블라블라
    • TensorFlow
      • Compute Tensors
      • automatically compute the gradient of any differentiable tensors
      • keras 라이브러리에 새로운 function이 contributed
      • Tensorflow는 cpu, gpu,tpu 등을 전방위로 활용하여 matrix calculation 등을 진행 (기반)
      • keras를 통해 텐서플로우 기반의 다양한 함수들 사용 가능
  • Matrix Multiplication

    • image-20220423004939569
    • Scalar
      • rank 0 tensor (element of list(list is 1D; rank 1))
    • Vector
      • rank 1 tensor
    • Numpy is a commonly used package for mathematical computation of list.
    • Using Numpy we can compute vector and tensor effectively.



  • 디지털플랫폼 정부
  • Multilayer Perceptron
    • Training MLP using Back-propagation
    • History: PDP Group
      • Parallel Distributed Procesing
      • Paul Werbos’ Backpropgation Algorithm (역전파)
      • it’s all about adjusting weights
  • Signals Propagate Forward
    • input이 weight를 통해 hidden node를 거쳐 output으로 가는 forwarding
    • Cost Function
      • 실제 정답과 model로부터의 결과 간의 차이
      • $J=(\hat\y-y)^2$
      • Chain Rule : g’(x)f’(x)
      • output node에 실제 정답(target output)을 기반으로 backpropagation을 통해 weight 조절
  • image-20220423010513962
    • always, it’s all about adjusting weight
    • partial derivative (편미분)
      • $w_{t+1} <- w_t -\gamma\Delta _wJ$
  • image-20220423011051058
    • layer 역순대로 미분 and so on
  • image-20220423011546114


  • Maximize Performance
    • ML Workflow
      • Gathering Data
      • preprocess
      • research the model
      • train
      • evaluate and update the model
      • predict with satisfied model, otherwise? train again and again
    • train and test
    • hyperparameters: 알아서 다해요
      • control the learning process
        • topology and size of a neural network
        • algorithm hyperparameters: learning rate, dropout rate, batch size
    • image-20220423023330121
    • Why ReLU?
      • Sigmoid의 derivative 값이 작기 때문에 (대체로 .25 이하) 1보다 작은 값들을 계속 chain rule에 의해 곱하다보면 편미분값은 매우 작아지게 된다. 즉, vanishing
      • asymptotic behavior
      • ReLU는 derivative 값이 1 or 0뿐이므로 그 단점을 커버할 수 있음
  • Various Implementatoin of Cost Function Optimization
    • Batch
      • loss function -> cost function을 minimize
      • gradient 계산량이 많고, 시간이 많이 걸림
    • Stochastic
      • each new gradient’s loss function
      • eventually approach to the optimal point
    • Mini-Batch
      • hybrid
      • sample examples
      • 두마리토끼, 계산량과 정확성
    • Choosing
      • small set<2000
        • batch gradient
      • large set
        • mini batch of size 64~512
  • local minima
    • 쉬운게 없다
    • or plateau
    • multiple global minima
    • depends on cost function, the minima can be differed
  • Learning Rate
    • parameters that control the learning process
    • $\gamma$
    • image-20220423024931212
  • Momentum
    • for finding global minima
    • 방향성에 대한 변수를 추가해 local minima에서만 머무르지 않도록
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
    • Monte-Carlo Search
  • Optimizers
    • Adam이 짱임 (최근으로선)
  • Choice of Loss Function
    • mean squared error
      • regression or binary classification
    • cross entropy
      • multi class classification
      • paired with the softmax actiavtion function
  • Under- and Over-fitting
    • fix underfitting
      • train longer
      • increase the model complexity
      • reducing regularizatoin
      • adding features to trainig data
      • different (appropriate) model or architecture
    • fix overfitting
      • adding more data
      • data augmentation
      • regularization
      • decrease model complexity
      • removing features from data
      • early stopping
        • balance between validatoin and error
    • what is regularization?
      • weight의 기울기를 급한 경사 안쪽으로
    • Preprocessing
      • normalization
      • data augmentatoin (데이터 증강 ex. 1->7개)
        • image-20220423031346082
      • feature engineering
        • domain knowledge to extract features from raw data
        • applied ML
      • dimensionality reduction
        • Principal Component Analysis
        • Independent Component Analysis
        • Non-negative Matrix
        • Factorization
        • Uppropagation


